Corsock Weather Station    55 04' N 3 56' W 114 metres amsl

Wind, barometer, visibility and cloud
Wind250° at 6 kt
Barometer1012.2 hPa, rising slowly
Visibilitymore than 35 km
Cloud2/8 at 3,300 ft, 7/8 at 7,100 ft
Temperature, humidity and dewpoint
Temperature 17.3 °C
Maximum temperature [reset 0900 UTC] 17.6 °C
Minimum temperature [reset 0900 UTC] 14.7 °C
Grass minimum [reset 1200 UTC] 8.9 °C
Relative humidity 65%
Dewpoint 10.8 °C
Precipitation and sunshine
Rainfall since terminal hour 0.0 mm
Rainfall since 0950 UTC 0.0 mm
Rain time since terminal hour0.0 hr
Sunshine today0.9 hr

0950Z 23004KT 9999 FEW018 BKN073 17/11 Q1012=
0920Z 21004KT 9999 SCT009 BKN051 15/12 Q1012=
0850Z 22003KT 9999 BKN008 BKN074 15/13 Q1012=
0820Z 17002KT 9999 BKN008 14/13 Q1012=
0750Z 21001KT 9999 FEW008 SCT015 BKN068 14/13 Q1011=
0720Z 36001KT 9999 FEW025 BKN087 13/13 Q1011=
0650Z 00000KT 9999 FEW027 BKN081 12/12 Q1011=
0620Z 36001KT 9999 FEW032 BKN082 12/12 Q1011=
0550Z AUTO 36001KT 9999 BKN063 OVC082 12/12 Q1011=
0520Z AUTO 36001KT 9999 -SHRA OVC065 11/11 Q1010=
0450Z AUTO 36001KT 9000 -SHRA OVC074 11/11 Q1010=
0420Z AUTO 36001KT 9999 -SHRA OVC100 11/11 Q1010=
0350Z AUTO 36001KT 9000 -SHRA BKN085 11/11 Q1010=
0320Z AUTO 36001KT 9999 -SHRA BKN085 11/11 Q1010=
0250Z AUTO 36001KT 9000 -RA FEW009 BKN070 OVC110 12/11 Q1010=
0220Z AUTO 29002KT 9999 -SHRA OVC063 12/12 Q1010=
0150Z AUTO 13002KT 9999 -SHRA FEW011 FEW045 BKN058 11/11 Q1010=

Saturday 27th July 2024 10:21 UTC
[Observations at 10:20 UTC]
Sunrise 04:14 UTC
Sunset 20:29 UTC

AWS System: OK

Terminal hour 0900 UTC - monitoring since 1992. Data ©.
METARS are produced for pilots flying in the area - use Metar decode if required.

Home | Metadata | Last month | Last year | Extreme records | Graphics | Mesomaps | Metar decode
Data refreshed every minute. DS v3.62[T]
Webcam is only available during daylight hours
For mobile phones, an app for METARS is available on
July so far
[Data is provisional pending verification]
Highest maximum temp: 21.9°C on 15th
Lowest minimum: 1.0°C on 8th
Lowest grass minimum temp: -1.3°C on 8th
Maximum daily rainfall: 14.9 mm on 10th
Maximum daily sunshine: 14.0 hr on 8th
Month rainfall: 67.8 mm in 87.7 hr - sunshine: 82.0 hr
Temperature data updated every hour and in real time for rainfall and sunshine. Month reset for max temperature and rainfall is at 0900 UTC on the 1st of the following month.