Corsock Weather Station    55 04' N 3 56' W 114 metres amsl

Wind, barometer, visibility and cloud
Wind330° at 4 kt
Barometer1007.9 hPa, steady
Visibilitymore than 35 km
CloudNo cloud detected
Temperature, humidity and dewpoint
Temperature 0.7 °C
Maximum temperature [reset 0900 UTC] 10.3 °C
Minimum temperature [reset 0900 UTC] -4.0 °C
Grass minimum [reset 1200 UTC] -8.7 °C
Relative humidity 97%
Dewpoint 0.2 °C
Precipitation and sunshine
Rainfall since terminal hour 0.0 mm
Rainfall since 0650 UTC 0.0 mm
Rain time since terminal hour0.0 hr
Sunshine today1.5 hr

0620Z 33005KT CAVOK M02/M02 Q1008=
0550Z AUTO 33005KT 9999 NCD M03/M04 Q1008=
0520Z AUTO 33004KT 9999 NCD M04/M04 Q1008=
0450Z AUTO 33006KT 9999 NCD M04/M04 Q1007=
0420Z AUTO 32005KT 9999 NCD M04/M04 Q1007=
0350Z AUTO 33005KT 9999 NCD M04/M05 Q1007=
0320Z AUTO 32005KT 9999 NCD M04/M04 Q1008=
0250Z AUTO 33006KT 9999 NCD M03/M04 Q1008=
0220Z AUTO 32006KT 9999 NCD M03/M04 Q1008=
0150Z AUTO 32004KT 9999 NCD M03/M04 Q1008=
0120Z AUTO 32005KT 9999 NCD M03/M03 Q1008=
0050Z AUTO 33006KT 9999 NCD M03/M03 Q1008=
0020Z AUTO 32006KT 9999 NCD M02/M03 Q1008=

Saturday 27th April 2024 06:55 UTC
[Observations at 06:55 UTC]
Sunrise 04:40 UTC
Sunset 19:46 UTC

AWS System: OK

Terminal hour 0900 UTC - monitoring since 1992. Data ©.
METARS are produced for pilots flying in the area - use Metar decode if required.

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Data refreshed every minute. DS v3.62[T]
Corsock Metcam
The webcam looks towards the northern horizon