Corsock Weather Station    55 04' N 3 56' W 114 metres amsl

Wind, barometer, visibility and cloud
Wind110° at 5 kt
Barometer1007.4 hPa, falling slowly
Visibilitymore than 35 km
Cloud1/8 at 3,500 ft
Temperature, humidity and dewpoint
Temperature 9.5 °C
Maximum temperature [reset 0900 UTC] 10.0 °C
Minimum temperature [reset 0900 UTC] 7.4 °C
Grass minimum [reset 1200 UTC] -8.7 °C
Relative humidity 47%
Dewpoint -1.0 °C
Precipitation and sunshine
Rainfall since terminal hour 0.0 mm
Rainfall since 1050 UTC 0.0 mm
Rain time since terminal hour0.0 hr
Sunshine today5.6 hr
fair, small amounts of cloud

1050Z 09005KT 9999 FEW035 10/M00 Q1007=
1020Z 11004KT 9999 SCT030 10/M00 Q1007=
0950Z 11006KT CAVOK 09/00 Q1007=
0920Z 11006KT CAVOK 08/00 Q1007=
0850Z 09008KT CAVOK 08/00 Q1007=
0820Z 10007KT CAVOK 06/01 Q1007=
0750Z 09006KT CAVOK 05/00 Q1007=
0720Z VRB01KT CAVOK 03/02 Q1007=
0650Z 33005KT CAVOK 00/00 Q1007=
0620Z 33005KT CAVOK M02/M02 Q1008=
0550Z AUTO 33005KT 9999 NCD M03/M04 Q1008=
0520Z AUTO 33004KT 9999 NCD M04/M04 Q1008=
0450Z AUTO 33006KT 9999 NCD M04/M04 Q1007=
0420Z AUTO 32005KT 9999 NCD M04/M04 Q1007=
0350Z AUTO 33005KT 9999 NCD M04/M05 Q1007=
0320Z AUTO 32005KT 9999 NCD M04/M04 Q1008=
0250Z AUTO 33006KT 9999 NCD M03/M04 Q1008=
0220Z AUTO 32006KT 9999 NCD M03/M04 Q1008=

Saturday 27th April 2024 11:08 UTC
[Observations at 11:07 UTC]
Sunrise 04:40 UTC
Sunset 19:46 UTC

AWS System: OK

Terminal hour 0900 UTC - monitoring since 1992. Data ©.
METARS are produced for pilots flying in the area - use Metar decode if required.

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Data refreshed every minute. DS v3.62[T]
Corsock Metcam
The webcam looks towards the northern horizon